“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

- Maya Angelou

Personal: WNBS | Analisa Joy Photography | San Diego, CA Photographer

Yesterday, was the last Bible study at our first home. I can’t believe we will be moving out on Tuesday! Last night, I sat in my living room with all my best friends and we shared how Bible study has changed our lives within the last 2.5 years. Here is a little back story of how it began.

It formed two years ago when Trent told me that he wanted to host a Bible study at our house. I was a little hesitant about the idea so we started it as a boys only Bible study. Here’s a glimpse into what our nights look like… Each week we provide dinner, a group message, and then we break down into small groups for open discussion. In the beginning, we only had a few people who would show up, but it wasn’t very consistent. Sometimes we would buy dinner and no one would come at all. However, Trent knew this was something he felt called to do and we were committed to host each week. Even if one person showed up, we would prepare for the Bible study every Wednesday night. The boys started becoming more consistent and soon girls started filtering in. We used to keep the boys and girls separate, but our Bible study started to grow at a rapid rate so we combined into one large group. Long story short, in the last 2.5 years have had over 50 people consistently walk in and out of our house every Wednesday night. That’s crazy especially when I remember Trent and I sitting in our living room alone enjoying a dinner for eight.

Those who attend love this night so much that they move their busy schedules aside just so that they do not miss out on Wednesday Night Bible Study (WNBS). It doesn’t stop there though… Most of those who attend came into our house as a stranger (maybe knowing a friend or two) and now they are all best friends, roommates, bridesmaids, groomsmen, dating, engaged, and everything in between. It seems as if every celebration is made up of WNBS members. We hangout at Disneyland, we travel together on mission trips (click here to read about Belize or Thailand), we celebrate birthdays, baptisms, and almost all small/big accomplishments. We love spending time together at concerts, church, downtown, girls night, guys night, bowling, movies, and the list goes on and on. I can always count on this group to come out and have a good time and/or to show up and support one another. I also love how honest and raw our friends are about their life. Whether it’s experiencing divorce amongst parents, break ups, death, drugs, partying, and all the sticky mess that tags along with being in your twenties, we have gained a new appreciation, insight, and respect into one others lives. We have realized that no one is perfect. We have learned how important community is to help you overcome struggles, to not judge lifestyles because we don’t fully understand what people are going through, to receive support through trials and to push pride aside and ask for help.

This has by far been one of the biggest blessings in my entire life. It’s amazing to watch the faith grow amongst myself and my friends. God does powerful things with this group and it’s crazy to think I was apprehensive when Trent presented the idea to me. I don’t know where I would be without it. We laugh, cry, share, keep one other accountable, and we truly open our hearts to each other each week. They encourage me to be a better wife, daughter, sister, friend, and an overall person. I’m so thankful for these amazing friends of mine!

I can’t thank God enough for my husband who is so passionate towards his callings. Trent continues to pursue God in every area of his life even when the reasons do not present themselves right away. I love being able to have fun, learn, and grow in my faith each week with those who I consider to be my brothers and sisters. It was bittersweet having our last Bible study at our first home because it has been the foundation of our weekly meetings. However, we have learned that church and small groups are not made up by the building, they are made up by the people. We are relocating to Richard’s house and although Trent and I won’t be able to attend once we move, we are excited to see how God is going to work through this group in this next chapter. Thank you to my sweet friends who came out last night, to those who made our last meeting so special, and to everyone who ventured outside to take a whole bunch of a group pictures. I can’t wait to canvas them in our new home. Love you all!

Thank you to everyone who have made these 2.5 years so special. We love you!


Meet Annalisa

Believer, wife, mom.

based in

southern california.

available for worldwide travel.


